With filter and drill-down features, you can have an in-depth and detail understanding on your data. Let’s create a filtering panel on the left under the menu: 1. Click on “Create a new panel in current page” 2. Select “Key Performance Indicator” => click “Dashboard” => then “Filter & Drill-down” => drag “Create panel”
So, right now, you know how to create panel, charts KPI and data table… On the “Testing1” dashboard, you have login/logout, menu and data table menu. Let’s try to add some charts on to the dashboard. 1. Click on “Create a new panel in current page” 2. Select “Key Performance Indicator” => drag “Create
Besides charting, you can also create data table(s) to show your raw data in table format like MS Excel with sorting and grouping features. Let’s see how to do so: 1. Click on “Create a new panel in current page” 2. Select “Key Performance Indicator” => drag “Create panel” => and drop to “CENTER_1”
On the new dashboard, you can add some existing KPI(s) or create new KPI(s). Let’s add some existing KPI(s) by: 1. Click on “Create a new panel in current page” 2. Select “Key Performance Indicator” => “Expenses demo” => drag “Expense evolution” => and drop to “CENTER_1” 3. Done, so simple, isn’t it? You know
Panel is a reusable piece of UI components, such as KPI (charts or data table), Login-out menu, tree menu or simply HTML code. You can add some existing Panel(s) on your dashboard. Let’s see how to add “Login/Logout” and “Left Menu” panels: 1. Click on “Create a new panel in current page” 2.
You can treat a new dashboard as a web page, it can be sub-dashboard as another dashboard. On the dashboard, you can add some new Panels including KPIs (charts or data tables). 1. Click on “Create new page” 2. Fill in the below values : 3. Then, an empty dashboard has been created. 4.
When creating a new data provider, it may return below error, if your query returns too many rows of record. You can either: 1. Limit the number of returning records by, e.g. SELECT * FROM sales order by creation_date desc limit 10000 => You may use this way, if your query just need
After data connection, you need to setup the data provider, which is the SQL statement to your data source. Before setting up the data provider, please remember: Don’t create a complicate SQL statement here. If you need to, better to use a database view. If your query returns too many rows of records, you
In order to connect to data source(s), you need to create a data connection to your DB(s). Before setting up the data connection, you need to install the JDBC driver to DashBuilder app. For example, if you are using MySQL as your data sources, you need to download the MySQL JDBC driver (mysql-connector-java-5.1.38.zip)
By default, it is using Tomcat user to login. You can add new role and user under C:\{your_tomcat_installed_path}\conf\tomcat-users.xml <role rolename=”admin”/> <role rolename=”user”/> <user username=”root” password=”root” roles=”admin”/> <user username=”demo” password=”demo” roles=”user”/> For DashBuilder, it supports 2 different roles, normal user and admin user. Admin user is using to create/update your dashboards / reports. Normal