Besides using _ID to do searching, you can also use other fields or multiple fields to do searching. For example: Examples JavaScript Codes By username db.collection(“comments”).find( {username: “Peter”} , {limit: 1000}).asArray() It will search all comments with username = “Peter” By Date db.collection(“comments”).find( { date: “01/01/2018”} , {limit: 1000}).asArray() It
After the simple CRUD sample, we will show you the bulk operations from this sample, please click on this URL to play with Blogs CRUD sample. Please see the below bulk operations with related JavaScript codes: Features JavaScript Codes Bulk Insert db.collection(“comments”).insertMany( [ { owner_id :, date: “01/01/2018”, username: “Peter”,
We will use stitch.js to build up the CRUD sample, it is provided by MongoDB.Stitch. Please login MongoDB.stitch to play with Users CRUD sample. On this sample page, you can: Connect to the database List all users from collection Get total count from collection Add a new user Find a user by _ID Update a
Login with your registered account, select “Stitch Apps” on the left menu. Click “Create New Application” to create a new application, input “it-blogs” into Application Name, and then click “Create” button to create. After a few minutes, it will create the new application, and show you: On the is page, you can find “Turn
This blog will introduce you what is MongoDB Atlas, and show you how to make use of stitch.js to build a simple CRUD web application step by step. You may refer to these two demo URLs: Users CRUD page Blogs CRUD page After going through our examples, you should have a brief understanding on MongoDB,