What is Panel and How to add Panel?

Panel is a reusable piece of UI components, such as KPI (charts or data table), Login-out menu, tree menu or simply HTML code.


You can add some existing Panel(s) on your dashboard. Let’s see how to add “Login/Logout” and “Left Menu” panels:


1. Click on “Create a new panel in current page”

2. Select “Logout panel” => drag “Logout panel” on the right hand side, and drop on “HEADER_RIGHT_BOTTOM” of the dashboard

3. Now, let’s add the left menu, click on “Create a new panel in current page” again

4. Select “Tree menu” => drag “Lateral Menu (Tree menu)” on the right hand side, and drop on “LEFT_TOP” of the dashboard




How come the menu just have a few options?


Don’t worry, you can update the option list of the menu by clicking the option button, and select “Edit content”:

Please select “Testing1” and click “save”. Then, your menu has been updated.

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