DashBuilder Installation

You may follow the below steps:


1. Install JDK from Oracle (at least JDK 1.6), you can download from http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/index.html


2. Adding Java to your classpath:

a. Under “User variables for XXXX”, click on “New” button to create a new user variable

b. Input “PATH” as variable name and C:\{your_java_installed_path}\jdk1.7.0_55\bin as your variable value. If you are using different version of JDK, please update the path value.

c. And then open a new cmd, and type “java”, it will show you java usage options.


3. Setup JAVA_HOME path

a. Right-click on “Computer”, and click on “Properties”.

b. Click on “Change Settings”

c. Click on “Environment Variables”

d. Under “User variables for XXXX”, click on “New” button to create a new user variable

e. Input “JAVA_HOME” as variable name and C:\{your_java_installed_path}\jdk1.7.0_55 as your variable value. If you are using different version of JDK, please update the path value.


4. Download Tomcat from http://tomcat.apache.org/download-80.cgi


5. Download DashBuilder (WAR file) from http://www.dashbuilder.org/downloads/downloads_binaries.html

Suggest to download 6.4 version. You can rename the WAR file as dashbuilder64.war


6. Store the WAR file under C:\{your_tomcat_installed_path}\webapps\


7. Startup the Tomcat server by “startup.bat” under C:\{your_tomcat_installed_path}\bin\


8. Enter http://localhost:8080/dashbuilder64/ under your web browser


9. Remember to remove WAR file – dashbuilder64.war under C:\{your_tomcat_installed_path}\webapps\


Congratulation!!! Installation is done.

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