Filter and Drill-down Data

With filter and drill-down features, you can have an in-depth and detail understanding on your data.

Let’s create a filtering panel on the left under the menu:


1. Click on “Create a new panel in current page”

2. Select “Key Performance Indicator” => click “Dashboard” => then “Filter & Drill-down” => drag “Create panel”

=> and drop to “LEFT_BOTTOM” under the menu

3. Click on , and select “Edit content”

4. Select “creation_date”, “status”, “customer”, “country” and “product”:

If you want the dashboard auto-refresh, you can enable this option

5. Now, you have the filtering menu on the left:

Let’s select “Australia” for the country, and see what is happening… all KPIs refresh, and you can see only “Australia” data.

How to reset the filter? You can click on  to reset the filter.

Besides using the filtering menu, you can also click on any value of the charts or data table to drill-down the data. Let’s click on “PRODUCT_1” of Group By Product chart, all KPIs refresh.

And then let’s click on “CONTRACTED” on the data table:

So, you can keep on drilling down the data until finding some valuable results.

You can also create a filtering chart on the left under the filtering menu like:

Simply using the below values to create this filtering chart KPI:


Cong!!! your dashboard is done, and become:


After walking through the blogs, you will find that Dashbuilder is so simple to use, and you can create a new dashboard without any coding with great features, such as exporting, chart, data table and filtering.

A new version called UF Dashbuilder is under development with more great features, more powerful chart library, you can find more details from .

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