How to setup login username and password?
By default, it is using Tomcat user to login. You can add new role and user under C:\{your_tomcat_installed_path}\conf\tomcat-users.xml
<role rolename=”admin”/>
<role rolename=”user”/>
<user username=”root” password=”root” roles=”admin”/>
<user username=”demo” password=”demo” roles=”user”/>
For DashBuilder, it supports 2 different roles, normal user and admin user. Admin user is using to create/update your dashboards / reports. Normal user is for general users with read-only access. So, we will login as admin user in order to update the settings and create new dashboard.
After updating the tomcat-users.xml, remember to restart the Tomcat server so that the new roles and users will be effective. Now, you can try login as normal and admin user to see the differences.