How to create data provider?

After data connection, you need to setup the data provider, which is the SQL statement to your data source. Before setting up the data provider, please remember:


  1. Don’t create a complicate SQL statement here. If you need to, better to use a database view.
  2. If your query returns too many rows of records, you better to add some filtering clauses in the query. We will show how to do so in the following example.


In order to create data provider, please go to “Administration” => “Data Provider”:


1. Click on “Create new data provider”

2. Please fill in with the below values:

3. Then, click on “Attempt data load”. It will show you the status like:

4. Click “Save”, and it will show you the below screen:

5. You can change the field names and type for numeric fields.

6. Just simply click “Save” to save the query.


If your query returns too many rows of record, it may return error, please check “How to handle large data size?” for more details.

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