How to add existing KPI and create new KPI?

On the new dashboard, you can add some existing KPI(s) or create new KPI(s).


Let’s add some existing KPI(s) by:

1. Click on “Create a new panel in current page”

2. Select “Key Performance Indicator” => “Expenses demo” => drag “Expense evolution” => and drop to “CENTER_1”

3. Done, so simple, isn’t it?


You know how to add existing KPI(s) to the dashboard. Now, let’s try to create a new KPI using Bar Chart component, which is connecting to your database:


1. Click on “Create a new panel in current page”

2. Select “Key Performance Indicator” => drag “Create panel” => and drop to “CENTER_2”

3. Select “mysql_sales” as data provider

4. Fill in the below values:

5. Click on the pencil of Range (Y Axis):

6. Select “sum” for the amount, you can add the Unit for this value if you want to.

7. Click on the close button to save it:




Besides Bar chart, you can also create:

a. Line Chart

b. Pie Chart

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