Solr Installation
By default, SOLR will ship with Jetty server. In order to install with Jetty, you may need to:
- Install JRE or JDK from Oracle (at least 1.7), you can download from
- Setup JAVA_HOME path
a. Right-click on “Computer”, and click on “Properties”
b. Click on “Change Settings”
c. Click on “Environment Variables”
d. Under “User variables for XXXX”, click on “New” button to create a new user variable
Input “JAVA_HOME” as variable name and C:\{your_java_installed_path}\jdk1.7.0_55 as your variable value. If you are using different version of JDK, please update the path value.
- Download SOLR from
- Unzip SOLR file (, and you will find the below folders and files uder solr-5.4.1 folder:
5. Run “cmd” to open a command prompt, and enter “cd C:/{your_installed_path}/solr-5.4.1/bin/”
6. Run “solr start”
- You may browse the page : http://localhost:8983/ and see what happen:
Done, SOLR is up and running using Jetty.
You can stop the SOLR by “solr stop –p 8983” under C:/{your_installed_path}/solr-5.4.1/bin/ :
If SOLR throws “OutOfMemoryError” after indexing tone of articles, you may need to increase the heap size memory by running the startup command as “solr start –m 2g”:
And the SOLR admin will show you the memory allocation: