Restful API Server No ratings yet.

Before working on Ionic UI, let’s setup the restful API server first, you can follow “Spring Restful + Hibernate with AngularJS” to setup the restful server. Or, you can download SpringRestfulExample for Tomcat server and Spring4Restful_v01_schema.sql for MySQL database. Then, you can follow the below procedures: Install JDK from Oracle (using JDK 1.7 for our

Introduction to Spring Restful (JSON) + Hibernate with AngularJS No ratings yet.

Background and Pre-request This blog will show you how to build Spring Restful + Hibernate ORM models with AngularJS web application, the example here will use JSON to communicate between Spring controller and AngularJS web UI. After running through our example, you should be able to master Spring Restful and make HTTP JSON request using