Installation of Node.js (Windows)

Before working on the examples, let’s setup the environment first:

  1. Install MySQL (using 5.7 for our example), you can download from
  2. Download and install Node.js version 4.X from
  3. Run “cmd”, and using it to install necessary modules
  4. Install Express framework by “npm install express”
  5. Install ejs template engine by “npm install ejs”
  6. Install logger Morgan by “npm install morgan”
  7. Install log file rotator by “npm install file-stream-rotator”
  8. Install body-parser to parse POST data by “npm install body-parser”
  9. Install HttpStatus by “npm install http-status-codes”
  10. Install MySQL driver by “npm install mysql”
  11. Install by “npm install”
  12. Install by “npm install”
  13. Setup PATH by:

a. Right-click on “Computer”, and click on “Properties”.

b. Click on “Change Settings”

c. Click on “Environment Variables”

d. Under “User variables for XXXX” or “System variables” XXXX is your Window username

e. If you cannot find variable “PATH”, you can create one under “User variables for XXXX”.

Click on “New” button to create a new user variable, input “PATH” as variable name and C:\Users\{your_window_username}\AppData\Roaming\npm\ as your variable value.

f. If you can find variable “PATH”, you can update the variable value by adding “;C:\Users\{your_window_username}\AppData\Roaming\npm\” to the end of the variable value.


Done, environment has been setup successfully!!! Please see the next blog for Ionic UI examples.

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