Tag: Templates

Example 1: Show Company Background With Simple $http.get() No ratings yet.

This example will show you how to get JSON data from Restful server by using $http.get(), you can download the ionic workspace here. Let’s create a new app by “ionic start itBlogsApp sidemenu” under C:/workspace_ionic/ , it will generate the new project – itBlogsApp. Enter “Y” to create the ionic.io account and please register, because we

Ionic Templates No ratings yet.

There are three different template layouts for building up your app: Layouts blank sidemenu tabs Commands 1.       Open a command prompt 2.       Under your ionic working folder 3.       Create app by “ionic start myApp1 blank” 4.       Then, it will generate the new project – myApp1 under your ionic working folder 5.       Running the app by “ionic serve