Now, everything is ready, let’s try to run the application and see what is happening… Right-click the project, select “Run As” => “Run on server” With URL : http://localhost:8080/SpringMVCExample/ , You can see … For this web UI, it is using AngularJS, Angular Material, bootstrap and ng-Table to buildup, please reference to the
Now, we will create two property files to src/main/resources/ , right-click to create a new file called with below settings. After running the app, you can find the log file (SpringMVCExample.log) under C:\logs\ folder. # logger option for File and stdout log4j.rootLogger=INFO, File, stdout # Logging levels : ALL, DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, FATAL,
Let’s try to create a new Maven Project using Eclipse. Right-click on “Navigator” or “Project Explorer” => select “New” => choose “Maven Project” Click “Next” Select “maven-archetype-webapp”: Click “Next”, and fill in the below values: Click “Finish”, the project SpringMVCExample has been created: Please rate this Useful?