workspace – AppFolder – hooks – platforms – plugins – resources – scss – www (you will most likely work on this folder for your development) – css – img – js – lib – templates You can find an index.html under “www” folder, it is the default page for the project,
You can download the Web UI here, extract the zip file as folder “AngularUI”. As we will run the Node.js Restful API with port 3000, and Web UI using Tomcat with port 8080. Assuming you have installed Tomcat. Otherwise, please download and install Tomcat from . Then, store the unzip package “AngularUI” under {your_tomcat_installed_path}\webapps\
This example will show you how to create a Node.js Restful API for the backend, and it will be called by the frontend – AngularJS. The Node.js Restful API will response with JSON output to AngularJS frontend. You will find that it is so simple to do so. You will find that the folder structure
Now, everything is ready, let’s try to run the application and see what is happening… Right-click the project, select “Run As” => “Run on server” With URL : http://localhost:8080/SpringMVCExample/ , You can see … For this web UI, it is using AngularJS, Angular Material, bootstrap and ng-Table to buildup, please reference to the
Background and Pre-request Developers always talk about Spring and Hibernate. In fact, they are two different frameworks. But, working closely together very well, and forming MVC (Model-View-Controller) framework. Spring is one of the most famous Java application framework, constructing Controllers and Views (JSP). Hibernate is an ORM (object-relational mapping) framework, constructing Models. This blog
You can download the Web UI here, extract the zip file as folder “AngularUI”. As we will run the Restful API using Eclipse with port 8080, and Web UI using Tomcat with port 8181, please store the unzip package “AngularUI” under {your_tomcat_installed_path}\webapps\ . You can find CRUD operations from this web UI, which is based