Tag: $http.get()

Example 3: Products Show Room With Searching and Sorting No ratings yet.

For this example, we will show you how to list the records in table format with header sorting and keyword auto-complete searching functions. Please follow below steps: Update C:\workspace_ionic\itBlogsApp\www\js\app.js , add below code after .state(‘app.shop’   .state(‘app.productlists’,             { url: ‘/productlists’,                                         views: { ‘menuContent’: { templateUrl: ‘templates/productlists.html’,         controller: ‘ProductListsController’ } } })  

Example 2: Listing Shop Integrating With Google Map No ratings yet.

After the first example, you know how to $http.get() data from Restful server. This example will show you how to list your records in listing format and show with Google Map. Please follow below steps: Under C:\workspace_ionic\itBlogsApp\www\index.html , add: <!– Google map js –> <script src=”http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js”></script> after <!– cordova script (this will be a 404

Example 1: Show Company Background With Simple $http.get() No ratings yet.

This example will show you how to get JSON data from Restful server by using $http.get(), you can download the ionic workspace here. Let’s create a new app by “ionic start itBlogsApp sidemenu” under C:/workspace_ionic/ , it will generate the new project – itBlogsApp. Enter “Y” to create the ionic.io account and please register, because we